Generics are how we handle multiple data types effectively.
It exists in Rust, as well as in many other Programming languages.
fn compare_values<T>(value1: T, value2: T) -> bool
T: PartialEq,
value1 == value2
fn main() {
let result_int = compare_values(42, 42);
println!("{}", result_int); // true
let result_float = compare_values(3.14, 2.71);
println!("{}", result_float); // false
let result_str = compare_values("hello", "world");
println!("{}", result_str); // false
We have the compare_values function that takes in two values of type T (which could be any type)
Now T should have the PartialEq trait, which means that == equality operator must be valid for T (we will dicuss about Traits in detail separately)
Lastly the function will return a bool, after checking for equality of the two values. And the results are printed accordingly.
T is called the generic type. In absence of it we'd have to write 3 functions for comparing int, float & str
Something like this.
fn compare_values_int(value1: i32, value2: i32) -> bool {
value1 == value2
fn compare_values_float(value1: f64, value2: f64) -> bool {
value1 == value2
fn compare_values_str(value1: &str, value2: &str) -> bool {
value1 == value2
fn main() {
let result_int = compare_values_int(42, 42);
println!("{}", result_int); // true
let result_float = compare_values_float(3.14, 2.71);
println!("{}", result_float); // false
let result_str = compare_values_str("hello", "world");
println!("{}", result_str); // false
And avoiding this is how generics makes our program more effective.
Now in this Program we have only one generic type T
But functions can take multiple generic types also.
fn are_types_equal<T: 'static, U: 'static>() -> bool {
std::any::TypeId::of::<T>() == std::any::TypeId::of::<U>()
fn main() {
let result_same = are_types_equal::<i32, i32>();
println!("{}", result_same); // true
let result_diff = are_types_equal::<i32, f64>();
println!("{}", result_diff); // false
In the above example the are_types_equal accepts two generic types T & U, compares them and returns the result.
Now apart from functions generics can also be implemented in structs & enums.
struct Point<T> {
x: T,
y: T,
z: T,
Option is widely used in Rust to declare fields as optional.
enum Option<T> {
Some is the presence of value of type T. Else we have None.
(we will discuss more about this in the next article)
That's all we need to know about Generics. Learning about it will help us a lot in understanding more advanced Rusty concepts. Cheers!