Data Types in Rust

Data Types in Rust


3 min read


Rust is a strongly typed language. Hence the types of all variables used in a Rust program must be known during compile-time.

Data types again can be classified into two categories, Scalar and Sompound.

We'll start by discussing about Scalar data types.

Scalar Data Types

There are four such kinds:

  1. intergers

  2. floats

  3. booleans

  4. characters

You can consider it to be similar to primitive types in other languages.


Integers mean whole numbers. They can again be classified into signed & unsigned integers.

let x: u8 = 25;
let y: i16 = 89;

In the above code snippet x is an unsigned integer, and y is a signed integer. u8 means x is unsigned and can store 8-bits of memory. So it can be concluded that x is in between 0 and 2 ^ 8 - 1

On the otherhand i16 means that y is signed and can hold 16-bits of memory. So y is in between -2 ^ 8 and 2 ^ 8 - 1

We can have unsigned integers: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128

And unsigned integers: i8, i16, i32, i64, i128

Now if you let's say write:

let x: u8 = 334;

The compiler will panic! Because the maximum value of x than can be stored = 255 as discussed above. So you cannot store 334. This is called Integer Overflow


Floating-point numbers are nothing but Decimal numbers. And Rust only has two such types f32 & f64

This is how you can declare floats.

let x: f32 = 5.5;
let y: f64 = 6.4;

The default type is f64, for below case:

let z = 10.9;


Booleans are true & false. The default type being true.

let x: bool = false;
let y = true;


Characters are basically letters. But we can also store emojis!

let x = 'x';
let y: char = 'y';
let z: char = '๐Ÿ˜';

Compound Data Types

Compound data types are complex, they can store multiple data types together to form a new kind of data type.


Tuples can store multiple data types inside parentheses () in comma , separated format.

Once declared they cannot grow or shrink in size.

let tup: (i8, u16, char) = (11, 2, 'x');
println!("{}", x.0); // 11
println!("{}", x.1); // 2
println!("{}", x.2); // x

Individual elements of a tuple can be accessed by using a dot .


Arrays are another way to store a collection of values. But unlike tuples they can only store one data type.

let arr_num = [3, 5, 23, 12];
let arr_char = ['a', 'g', 'z'];

Arrays can also be declared in the below format:

let arr_num: [i32; 4] = [3, 5, 23, 12];

i32 is the data type, 4 is the number of elements.

let arr = [6; 4]; // [6, 6, 6, 6]

This is also another way to create arrays.

let arr = [1, 23, 12, 45, 2];
let a = arr[1]; // 23
let b = arr[4]; // 2

We can access array elements by their index using square brackets []


That's all in brief about Data Types in Rust. In the upcoming articles we'll learn how to effectively use them while writing Rust Programs. Cheers!
